M&S Logistics
1000 Companies to Inspire Britain

Tank Containers


A cylindrical pressure vessel, surrounded by a 20′ x 8′ x 8.5′ framework (the overall international standard dimensions of a container) for the transport of hazardous and non-hazardous liquids in bulk.

Standard ISO Tank Container Specifications

Capacity (nominal) 21,000 litre 24,000 litre 25,000 litre 26,000 litre (baffle)
Design Type UN PT / Hybrid UN PT / Hybrid UN PT / Hybrid UN PT / Hybrid
Discharge Outlet Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom
Max. Gross Weight 36,000 kg 36,000 kg 36,000 kg 36,000 kg
Tare Weight 3,650 kg 3,900 kg 3,730 kg 4,060 kg
Max. Payload 32,350 kg 32,100 kg 32,270 kg 31,940 kg
Test Pressure 6.00 Bar 6.00 Bar 6.00 Bar 6.00 Bar
Working Pressure 4.00 Bar 4.00 Bar 4.00 Bar 4.00 Bar
Max. Cargo Temp. 120°C 120°C 130°C 130°C
Steam Heating Coil 8 m² 8 m² 8 m² 8 m²
Baffles N/A N/A N/A Yes x 3

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